October 19, 2010

I did it!

So here I am posting to my first blog for the first time!! I'm not sure what to do or where to take this but I will go with what my heart and tummy tell me.

Who would have thought that I would end up in the kitchen and actually like to cook?? HAH! Certainly not me!!! But...it has grown on me. I mean, really, how much junk food and frozen dinners can a chic like?? So I've learned my way around 'that' room and have begun to enjoy my so-called masterpieces. :-)

My intent is to post the recipes and pix of what I've made including any and all burnt creations. Gotta keep it real people! LOL I'm shooting for at least two posts per week. Looking forward to my new endeavor and I hope you all join me and enjoy the ride!!


  1. Never thought you would actually be cooking, i remember when you hated even making toast and doing dishes.(maybe you still hate doing dishes and i don't blame you on that one). Well, good luck on your blog, post lots of pictures and i hope you get a lot of followers. Love, Mom.

  2. Now THIS is FABULOUS !! I am Thrilled and can't wait to hang out and see what Magic is to come ... I love you girl ... NOW GET COOKIN : ) xx Deb

  3. You just post recipes (explain it to me like I'm a two year old in the words of Denzel) for my non-cooking @ss and I'll, follow you through a million different aliases!

  4. Hey Cheeky Chica - I'm in I will be following you. Hope I can keep up, not as slow as Mr. Mike (Luv ya) but explain it to me like I'm a 5 yr old. (SMILE). I also, like to cook and be creative - but truly L-O-V-E to be the taster. Check back wit ya in a couple of days. Meek
