November 08, 2010

One Busy Lil Bee...

Hello my cheeky friends! I do hope you all had a wonderful weekend! The time change has been messing with me a little bit but so far no major issues. :) On Saturday I made it a point to visit my new local international market, Fresh World. It took over the space vacated by my beloved Giant grocery store. I am very happy with the new shop since it offers a variety of grocery items I have never seen before! Live fish in huge tanks, frozen squid and octopus...barracuda anyone? The produce section is wonderful with offerings of dragonfruit, longan, guava and sugar cane. I came upon a food demo station where they were making a mushroom tempura. I was taken by the ease and low cost of the products used. So you know I just had to try it at home!

Mushroom Tempura

I used the bagged asian fry mix $1.89

I have no idea what the brand name would be so I'll have to keep the white polar bear as my visual clue. It is a rice and wheat flour blend with starch added. After using it on the mushrooms and liking it, I will definately try it on other veggies and shrimp.

I used 1 cup of the fry mix and added water to make a thin but not runny batter. I added some season salt for a bit of flavor and color.

large mushrooms $1.59

I cut up these large musrooms into small, toothpick-picking sized pieces. There were about six mushrooms in the bag.


I used a generous amount of GOYA olive oil in my wok, enough oil to almost cover the mushrooms. I kept it on medium high heat.

my first batch

I fried both sides until lightly golden brown. I fished them out of the oil and set on a paper towel lined bowl to drain. Trust and believe these treats were gone mere moments after cooling.


Calvary Wings

Super-Hot, Flaming-Lips Hot Wings

 Big E and Big Daddy worked on this recipe for Football Sunday. I am working on getting the recipe for this dish. All I know is that 1/2 cup tabasco was used so I made sure to stay away from it!


  1. The French Toast casserole seems like it is was very good. Wow the Calvary wings look good too, don't know if I could do super-hot though.

  2. Um .... HEAVEN ON A PLATE !! What a great Recipe ... This would be great to bring to any holiday gathering ... at any time of day .. I LOVE IT !! Deb xx

  3. I use this recipe on Christmas loves it....I also make it with small chunks of cream cheese mixed in....delicious.
